A lot of people are tempted to not call the cops after a motor vehicle accident. If you're on your way to work or an important meeting, you may want to just get on with your day. You figure you and the other driver can trade insurance information and work it out amongst yourselves. This could be a huge mistake. It'll also make your Fort Lauderdale motorcycle wreck lawyer's job a lot harder than it needs to be.

You always need to call the police after your Fort Lauderdale motorcycle accident. You have no idea if the other driver is telling you the truth. They could give you fake information. They may have no insurance. For all you know, they've been drinking or using drugs. The only way to know for sure is to call the police right away.

Your Fort Lauderdale Motorcycle Wreck Lawyer Needs the Police Report to Prove Your Case

Even if your accident is minor, you need to call the police after your motorcycle crash. They'll do a thorough investigation of the accident scene. They're also going to check to see if either of the drivers are under the influence. This is the kind of thing your motorcycle accident lawyer in Fort Lauderdale won't be able to do once you leave the scene. The same is true for any eyewitnesses. Once the scene is cleared, there's no way to get this information. Even if you managed to get their name and address, they might not want to talk to your lawyer. They'd be much more willing to talk to the police. 

What Sort of Information Is Included in the Police Report?

There are certain things that are contained in the police report that you can't get any other way. The police include all of the little details about the crash scene. Some of this information includes:

  • The contact information for any eyewitnesses
  • Driver's license and insurance information for the other driver
  • Pictures of the accident scene and vehicles
  • Description of the road conditions
  • Information about whether either of the drivers was under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Motorcycle accident attorney

As mentioned above, your Fort Lauderdale motorcycle wreck lawyer can't get any of this information on their own. Even if they can, it's going to take an awful lot of work to do so. You're much better off having the police come out and do their research. Once they're done, they'll make a copy of the police report available for your attorney. This can prove very useful when it comes time to prove your case.

What Can Happen If You Don't Call 911?

You have no idea why the other driver may want to avoid calling the cops. If they push you to not call the police, there's got to be a good reason. None of these reasons are good. For example, the other driver could be driving a stolen car. The last thing they want is for the cops to come to the scene. The same can be true if they have an active warrant. They know if the cops come, they'll be arrested. Sadly, the kind of person who would drive a stolen car is not going to honor their promise to fix your car. 

Talk to an Experienced Fort Lauderdale Motorcycle Wreck Lawyer

If you get hurt in a motorcycle accident, the last thing you'll want to do is deal with the insurance company. You're going to need to focus on getting better. These accidents tend to cause severe injuries. You may need surgery and long-term physical therapy. It's a good idea to let your experienced motorcycle accident lawyer at VG Law in Fort Lauderdale handle the legal side of things for you.

In order for this to happen, you need to call and schedule your free initial consultation. If you sustained very serious injuries, we could always conduct this meeting over the phone or through Skype. We understand that you may not physically be able to come into the office. When you do meet with your attorney, they're going to ask questions about the accident. They'll also answer any questions you have. They need to determine whether you have a valid claim or not. If you do, they may offer to handle your case. 

Remember – the initial consultation is free, and you don't have to pay anything until your case is resolved.

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